Pemanfaatan Tulang Ikan Patin sebagai Tepung Tinggi Kalsium di Kampung Patin, Kabupaten Kampar

Rahimatul, Uthia (2021) Pemanfaatan Tulang Ikan Patin sebagai Tepung Tinggi Kalsium di Kampung Patin, Kabupaten Kampar. Pemanfaatan Tulang Ikan Patin sebagai Tepung Tinggi Kalsium di Kampung Patin, Kabupaten Kampar, 5 (3). pp. 575-581. ISSN 2614-8927

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Catfish is one of the fish that is widely developed due to high demand from both domestic and international markets. Kampar Regency, Riau Province, is one of the centers for the development of catfish in Indonesia. The catfish village in Kampar Regency is the largest catfish producer in Sumatra. In 2013, this area had a catfish pond with an outside of 54 hectares and produced catfish of approximately 10 tons per day. Catfish are processed into salad, meatballs, nuggets, shredded, and fish fillets (Kemendag RI, 2013). The development of the catfish processing micro business has created a new problem, namely this business produces a large amount of waste, because the waste or side products of catfish are simply thrown away. In the catfish processing industry, quite a lot of waste will be produced, which is around 67% of the total catfish. The waste can be processed and used as fish bone meal. Calcium and phosphorus from fish bones are of good quality and easy to obtain. Through this PPDM program the problem of catfish bone waste will be minimized so that it can increase the economic value of the waste generated from processing catfish. From the activity of providing information about the benefits of catfish bones, quite good results were obtained. Seen from the increase in knowledge of the participants of the activity of 86.06. This activity is not only given knowledge to participants, but also training to improve the ability of participants in making catfish bone meal. An evaluation of the skills of the participants in making catfish bone meal was carried out where the average result of the participants' abilities was 95.2%. From the activities carried out, the average result of the assessment of participant satisfaction with the activities was 87.2%. The results above can answer the community's need to be able to process waste from processing catfish into something that is efficient and has economic value.

Item Type: Article
Subjects: R Medicine > RM Therapeutics. Pharmacology
Divisions: Faculty of Medicine, Health and Life Sciences > School of Medicine
Depositing User: rahimatul uthia pkr
Date Deposited: 20 Jan 2023 06:49
Last Modified: 20 Jan 2023 06:49

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